5 Pillars of Wellness

With everything that is going on in the world, it is normal to worry about your health. Getting ill might feel like something inevitable, over which you have no control. However, there are things you can do to improve your own health and increase your chance of staying well throughout your life. Focus on these five pillars of wellness to care for your overall health.

1. Diet

What you put into your body has a huge effect on how well it works. Try to eat a varied diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Whole foods are usually more nutritious and less likely to lead to weight gain than processed foods, so choose potatoes over chips and oranges over juice. The most important thing is to eat an appropriate number of calories to maintain a healthy weight, so consider tracking calories if you are struggling with your weight.

2. Exercise

Regularly moving your body can help to prevent both physical health problems and mood problems. Exercise doesn't have to be gruelling. Simply taking a walk around the block a couple of times a day can be enough to get your blood pumping and stretch out your muscles. Why not try different forms of exercise, such as dancing, yoga or walking with friends, until you find something that you enjoy?

3. Sleep

Many people overlook the importance of sleep for overall wellness. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to wellness that can make up for a lack of sleep. You can improve the quality of your sleep by having a relaxing bedtime routine, banning electronic devices from the bedroom and sticking to a regular sleep schedule. Many people find it helpful to read or listen to calming music after they get into bed to help shut down thoughts of the day and help them to feel sleepy.

4. Stress

When caring for your wellness, it is important not to neglect your mental health. Take time out for yourself to avoid stress from overwhelming you. You might also find it helpful to try some formal stress reduction methods, such as meditation or breathing exercises.

5. Medical Care

An important part of wellness is getting regular medical checkups to ensure your body is healthy. Be sure to attend all screening appointments recommended for a person of your age and sex. These screening programs are intended to catch diseases at a stage when they are easy to treat.

About Me

New Advances With Ultrasounds and Other Imaging Techniques

Hi, my name is Cory, and I love reading and thinking about medical research. I also love reading about different ways to be healthy, from exercising, to eating right, to taking supplements, to getting timely cancer screenings. My wife recently had a baby, and sadly, two months later, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Through both of those experiences, I saw a lot of ultrasound and imaging technology used, and I decided to create a blog on that as well as other health and medical topics. If you want to learn about medicine, I invite you to get comfortable and start learning. Thanks for reading!
