Various Reasons You May Develop Vascular Diseases

Your body is made up of a myriad of tubes that function to transport fluid around it. These tubes range from lymph vessels, arteries, veins and more. This system of tubes is medically referred to as the vascular system. If your vascular system is compromised, there is a range of diseases that could develop such as high blood pressure, ischemia, diabetes, heart conditions and more. If life threatening, you may end up requiring vascular surgery to remedy the problem. What most people do not realise though is that there are different factors that would make you more susceptible to vascular disease. Knowing these factors could help you ensure that you are trying your best not to develop vascular diseases. The following are some of the various reasons you may develop vascular diseases.

Genetic markers

One of the common reasons one may be susceptible to vascular diseases is their genetics. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first way you could be at high risk of developing vascular diseases is if one of your parents is suffering from vascular diseases. Conditions such as hypertension tend to be carried down to the next generation, especially if both parents suffered from this condition. The second way your genes could make you susceptible to vascular diseases is your race. It has been found that people of African descent tend to have a higher chance of developing diseases such as high blood pressure as compared to other races. If you know that any of these factors are in your genes, then you would be best advised to take measures that would decrease the risk of you developing vascular diseases. 

Unhealthy lifestyle choices

Another reason why you may develop vascular diseases is your overall lifestyle choices. Lifestyle choices include, but are not limited to, the types of foods you eat on a regular basis, habits such as smoking and more. For instance, an individual who is already at high risk of developing vascular diseases because of their inherent genes should steer clear from foods with high sodium levels and smoking, as this would greatly increase their chances of suffering from this disease. On the other hand, individuals who may not have genetic markers for vascular disease but still make constantly unhealthy lifestyle choices will increase their chances of falling ill. 

Daily inactivity

Your fitness and daily levels of activity will also play a role on whether you will develop vascular disease. Individuals who live a sedentary lifestyle and do not get much exercise are more likely to become obese, which in turn increases their chances of developing hypertension. Regularly engaging in exercises, on the other hand, decreases the amount of bad cholesterol in your body. Being fit also works to stimulate your vascular system, hence decreasing the chances of developing these diseases. 

About Me

New Advances With Ultrasounds and Other Imaging Techniques

Hi, my name is Cory, and I love reading and thinking about medical research. I also love reading about different ways to be healthy, from exercising, to eating right, to taking supplements, to getting timely cancer screenings. My wife recently had a baby, and sadly, two months later, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Through both of those experiences, I saw a lot of ultrasound and imaging technology used, and I decided to create a blog on that as well as other health and medical topics. If you want to learn about medicine, I invite you to get comfortable and start learning. Thanks for reading!
